I love this picture of my boys! And I would love to be able to tell you that this is how they are most of the time. in fact, I would love to be able to tell you that this is how they are 50% of the time, no- make that 25%. The reality is that they fight A LOT. I have an older child who is controlling and bossy. I have a younger child who will not be bossed around, thinks he can do whatever his older brother can do, and hits and screams instead of uses his words.
I had a younger brother. We get along well now, but boy did I dislike him growing up. He always tattled. He was treated better and got to do more than I did. He was the favorite child. :) Any of you feel this way? I am trying to determine if it is the age difference between them (4 years) that causes such problems, the fact that they are both boys, or just their personalities in general. Let's face it, we all wouldn't choose our siblings to be our best friends, if we had the choice. And others truly have a great reltionship and friendship with theirs. And how can you help them grow up so they are close as they become older? Any ideas?