I have my turkey in my fridge thawing. My in-laws arrive late this afternoon. I've made my 2 hour grocery trip to Walmart. I cleaned like a mad-woman yesterday and will finish up today, probably as my in-laws are walking in. My hubby is done working at noon tomorrow, for the week. My pies are ordered and can be picked up tomorrow. The dog is groomed. Laundry is going.
The question is: why do we allow one Thursday where people are off of work and where we eat a ton of food to make us crazy with projects to do? Christmas is a process, but Thanksgiving? It is one day.
What are you doing for the big day? What are your traditions? Favorite foods?
We really don't have any traditions we do every year. We will be spending it with Matt's parents and my mom and her friend Tom. We will be watching the Broncos that evening, eating leftover turkey sandwiches on yummy buns (my favorite part of Thanksgiving food, along with pie). We will have a table set up with a puzzle for people to work on. We have the standards for food, and that is great with me. Green bean casserole, mashed taters, corn...but I am trying a new fruit salad this year. It is a jello with lemon, orange, apple and cranberries. We will see. So, considering the day ahead of me, I should get to it.
So Happy Turkey day everyone!! Enjoy your day!!
PS- the best part of Thanksgiving is that my hubby will let me put up the Christmas tree and he gets to put up the lights!!
We'll be camping in Kakadu National Park (near Darwin) for Thanksgiving. No turkey and pie for us (though we'd certainly like to have some!)
Eat some chocolate pie for me and some mashed potatoes with sour cream of course!
Happy Thanksgiving! I'll be calling mid afternoon to say hi!
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