For whatever reason, maybe from inspiration from my mom who started playing Christmas music in September when I was a kid, Christmas is my favorite holiday. It makes me smile. It gives me warm fuzzies. I just like it. Gifts is one of my love languages, so maybe that is involved. Not so much the getting (although that is good) but the giving. I love the process of figuring out the best gift for each person. I love the decorating. I love sitting by the fire and the tree all lit up and relaxing. I love the baking.
Last year we were packing up a house and moving, so Christmas was not what I liked or wanted. This year is so much different, and we are all thrilled. I think Matt might even be getting in the Christmas spirit. So my goal for today is to get the tree up with lights so tonight the boys and I can decorate it. I am sure I will have stories to report.
I hope you all had a great Thaksgiving. We did. And now on to Christmas!!!!!
PS- For a great story about what the boys want to get me, head to Matt's blog!! You will get a good laugh! www.mbbarrett.blogspot.com