Why does it always seem like the last week or two of summer becomes the busiest? In all honesty I do not mind, since the last few weeks of summer can sometimes be the most challenging.
So here is our life for the next 10 days:
Wednesday (2 days ago) we took the boys to 6Flags in Denver. We had a blast. They had a blast. I got sick to my stomach, Matt got sick to his stomach. The boys never got sick to their stomachs! (when do we lose the ability to spin around and around?) We ended the day/night with getting drenched on the log ride (note to self: do not wear a white shirt when going to an amusement park with water rides), and then at almost 10pm snacking on funnel cake and summed up by Tyler "this was a really great day!"
Today we are headed off to go camping with a group of people from church. It should be fun, even though camping is not my favorite thing in the world. Camping might be relaxing to some, but man does it take a lot of work to get ready for. I am sure I will have something to blog about after this weekend.
Monday we close on our rental house in Iowa. YEA!!! I am also watching a friend's 4 kids and cooking dinner for them while she is having both knees operated on.
Wednesday we close on our other house in Iowa!!! YEA!!!! We also leave to go on our one "fun" vacation for the summer, which is to the Lake of the Ozarks with Matt's parents. We will be there until Sunday. Can I express to you how much I am looking forward to this trip? The lake is always so much fun and relaxing. And after the last 7 months we are all ready for it!
And sometime before we leave for the lake I need to make sure Jake is ready for school, since we get back on Sunday the 6th and school starts Monday the 7th! Tyler starts preschool on the 14th!
So that is my life in a nutshell. Busy times, but sometimes it is okay. Especially when I have 2 boys who are so excited to get to the campsite today, or to go see Nana and Papa next week. Have a great weekend everyone.
Can I just say I liked your white shirt on the log ride and had high expectations?
At least you have some nifty 'new' toys to take camping with you! But maybe you should be the one to light the propane stove. I don't know why, but I always have the feeling Matt turns into Clark Griswold on family vacations! (Sorry Matt, not an insult, just how I envision things!)
And don't forget the little air mat for yourself--I'm telling you, it changes the whole experience when you wake up dry in the morning!
Have fun!
:) Elizabeth
Thanks Elizabeth!
And the other stuff came UPS last night when we were getting stuff out and ready. He lit the stove up and we are good to go! So thanks!! :)
And Matt, I love you but you are a geek at times!!
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